BioScum: Fatter. Thicker. Sicker.

Posted by Dr. Tom on 7th Apr 2023

BioScum: Fatter. Thicker. Sicker.

bio– 1. relating to life:”biosynthesis” 2. relating to or involving the use of toxic biological or biochemical substances as weapons of war:”bioterrorism

scum:extraneous matter or impurities risen to or formed on the surface of a liquid or solid often as a foul filmy covering .

What if I was to tell you that diabetes was not a disease but rather a surrender? What if I was to tell you that most diabetic and dementia diagnosis were wrong and could be easily reverse with rather simple metabolic adjustments?

Waste Management vs. Waist Mangement

It stifles your creativity. It thickens your waist. It is filling our dementia centers. It is killing our children. A toxic film is building up upon our brains cells daily and if left unchecked will be the downfall of our society. Welcome to BioScum.

BioScum: The theoretical by-product or biofilm that occurs within an organic system which is chronically exposed to a toxic environment (mold, heavy metals excessive blood sugar levels, LPS, amyloid plaque, uric acid, drug residues etc )

Womb Wounds

Our children. Their potential has been stifled. Their pathologies have been monetized. Their pain fuels the dark machine of despair and death. The fall out from this insidious mechanism manifests in the record number of school shootings and scary high rates of assimilation into terror cells. What has happened to our children?

The Short Bus is Getting Longer

Evidence of epigenetic errors within our society


Experts are now saying cow’s milk doesn’t have the omega fats for human brain development. Children who drink milk have lower IQs than children who consume foods high in the omegas. Great, I was raised on cow’s milk.

Experts have discovered thimersol, found in vaccines, is actually a neurotoxin, which is linked to brain damage, autism, attention deficits, and lower IQs. A neurogeneticist has discovered that if you have taken 5 consecutive flu shots containing this product you have increased your chances of developing Alzheimer’s by 10 fold. Fantastic, I have had all my shots and now you are telling me this! Autism is a genetic disorder which occurs in one in every ten thousand children. Explain to me then why in America, autism is occurring at a rate of 1 in every 166 children?

In the 1990s, autism in American children began spiking, from 1 in 10,000 in 1987 to a shocking 1 in 166 today. In this period, two series of shots containing a mercury-based preservative called Thimersol were added to the nation’s already crowded vaccination schedule. These numbers suggest there is a hidden epidemic which is injuring the brains of American children

Many parents suddenly noticed their healthy children descending into silent, disturbed, and physically ill autism immediately after receiving these mercury laddened injections. Ignored or dismissed by the FDA and the CDC, these parents discovered that children were being exposed to mercury at very young ages, even before birth-at levels far exceeding federal regulations.

“The incidence of autism has gone up dramatically in the last 15 years” notes S.Jill James director of Biochemical Genetics at Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock.” Because genes don’t change that fast, this points to something in the environment” she says. Autism, by definition, is a genetic disorder, and there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic. Something in our modern world is apparently pushing a certain number of susceptible kids over the neurological limit and into a befuddling life of autism and other brain disorders.

Thimersol is not only found in vaccines & flu shots but is also in other products such as nasal sprays, ear, and eye drops, and even in hemorrhoid treatment. Many have asked why a trusted health agency would allow a known neurotoxin like thiomersal to be injected into the bodies of small babies- in amounts that exceed federal safety exposure levels for adults by up to fifty times per shot. Autism, once rare in America, is now more prevalent than childhood cancer, diabetes, and Down Syndrome. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have expanded childhood immunizations, there has been an increase in neurodevelopmental disorders in the United States. There is a linear correlation between the number of mercury children receive from thimerosal-containing vaccines and the prevalence of autism.

There is a rapidly increasing population of people that are claiming that their children’s brains have been injured after receiving vaccinations. There is another group of people who claim that vaccines have saved millions of children’s lives. Who is right? They both are. You see some people can easily handle the toxins found in vaccines and have the significant increase in their immune function and defense against deadly diseases.

Due to epigenetic changes, there are people that have lost the ability to quickly expel toxins from their nervous systems leading to a rapid accumulation of neuronal lead damaging toxins. I can give one child a perfectly made peanut butter sandwich and they can have a fantastic lunch. I can give the next child that same sandwich and it could kill him. Due to epigenetic errors in the second child’s enzymatic system, she is unable to process amino acids found in peanuts without having that first anaphylactic reaction… Which could kill him.

Even more evidence of epigenetic errors:

“An autistic child at the age of five is seen as cute and quirky at the age of 20 they will be viewed as hyper-violence impulsive criminals.”

Brain Bombs ready to blow: Early damage to the frontal lobes combined with pharmaceutically induced homicidal thoughts will create mass murder machines cleverly disguised as American youth. The first of the ADHD statistics which is disturbing, to say the least, is that the CDC (US Dept. of Health) now estimates that between 3% and 7% of kids of school are affected by ADHD. Every time I read this figure, it seems to get higher but I should not doubt the source, given that it is an official US government department. We know that about 56% of these kids are on psychostimulant medications. As the CDC points out, we urgently need further studies about the ‘substantial health risks’, as they put it and also the benefits. These studies are not available so that means we must actively look for alternatives.

ADHD statistics show us the costs for ADHD health care to the US nation are in the region of $3 billion every year. There are also incalculable social costs in terms of strained family relationships, divorces, and accidents. This means quite simply that current ways of treating ADHD are not working and that obviously not enough families are on board for treating ADHD with a multidisciplinary approach. The CDC mentions again the ‘persistent’ and ‘negative’ side effects of the medications which can result in stunted growth and sleep problems. Allopathic medicine has not yet identified or developed an effective and safe cure.

We are told that school violence is at an all-time low. I find it ironic that private consulting firms have more accurate and current counts on school-associated violent deaths than a federal agency. I also find it odd that our school death stats show a vicious spike in the 2003 – 2004 and 2004-2005 school years, while the federal government is simultaneously telling the American public that school crime has dramatically decreased. I also find it strangely coincidental that the spike in schoolyard deaths corresponds to the marketing campaign of drugs like Ritalin and Aderol used to treat some “we” like to call attention deficit.

Drugs which are now being found to cause the user to have homicidal and suicidal thoughts. She stares hopelessly into space. Her eyes seem like those of a doll. Empty, so very empty. But these eyes do not cry. They just stare hopelessly into space. Mixing antidepressants led Andrea Yates to systematically drown her 5 children says Psychiatrist Peter Breggin. Simply put, her family doctor created a neurochemical storm in her brain leading to a homicidal state of mind. Eight million Americans take prescription strength antidepressants every day. That number has tripled in the last 9 years. Our children have been targeted by these huge pharmaceutical companies as “virgin territories” that must be explored and exploited. By 2006 their goal is to have 25% of American children on psychopharmaceuticals.

How are they doing? Amazingly well. Children who lose focus in class are being placed on Ritalin. When did daydreaming become a disease? In fact, a classroom here in the local area has 18 to 24 children on Ritalin when this book was written. Experts in the field warn that prolonged use of Ritalin will cause cerebral atrophy (brain shrinkage). We are producing crack addicts every time we put our children on Ritalin. This process is due to Ritalin occupying more neural transporters, which are responsible for producing the “high”. This is the same procedure, that causes users of crack-cocaine to destroy their lives to obtain the rush or “high”.

By the year 2025 depression will be the 2nd leading cause of disability in Americans. Psychologists warn that using popular antidepressants does not address the underlying cause of depression and may cause the problem to erupt into violent psychoses if not confronted and addressed. A court in Wyoming has awarded 6.4 million dollars to the family of a man who was placed on Paxil. He then murdered his wife, children and then took his own life in a Paxil induced rage. The research regarding long-term antidepressant use is horrifying, to say the least. Serotonin uptake inhibiting drugs (Paxil, Zoloft, and Prozac) have been linked to a seven-fold increase in the rate of breast cancer. Paxil has also been shown to be extremely addictive causing severe withdrawal reactions in patients. Anti-depressants have been linked to an increase in rates of upper GI bleeding. Prozac has been shown to “feed” brain tumors bolstering the tumors growth and destructive properties.

The frontal is the largest lobe of the brain and is sensitive to damage leading to cerebral atrophy. The frontal lobe is described as housing the “consciousness of the self”. This is where the essence of “you” is found. (Your memories, creativity, personality, and awareness.) For people of faith, this is where you stand to see and hear God’s daily messages to you. When your frontal lobe is depressed your primitive brain is master. This portion of your mind’s sole purpose is to quench your desires and to make real your fantasies. It is your region of bloodlust. It where every one of your temptations is manufacture and the drive to satisfy these feelings is coddled and fueled. It has been referred to as the “devils playground”. I think of this lobe as where Satan would insert his hand to manipulate you like a puppet

Early, ugly deaths predicted for those born after the year 2000. Diabetes by the age of 8. Advancing heart and liver disease by the age of 15. A record number of American children are now classified as drug reliant. It is the first time in modern history that an entire generation will have shorter lifespans than the previous generation with many of them dying before their parents.

Ear tubes+antibiotics+ tonsillectomies before the age of six= Two Ton Toddlers

First things first… I am not a “real” doctor…or so every aggressive defense attorney tells me during a heated deposition. Quack, witch doctor, chiropractor all have been used to describe me. The reality is I have been blessed to serve over 10,000 patients in my 21 years of practice. One of my strange blessings is that I am able to see patterns in what appears to be random clinical chaos. Certain horrible mothers would bring me their children to be offered up as a sacrifice on the altar of my chiropractic table and would mysteriously never have an ear infection again. I love these horrible mothers who don’t desire to dose their babies on drugs at a dropped of a hat.

Their children seemed to me to be much leaner and healthier than the children that weren’t receiving chiropractic adjustments to their upper cervical spines. I began to ask questions. Ear tubes, antibiotics, and tonsillectomies were the common response to the question: “What do you do when your child becomes sick?” As the months flew by I began to see changes in these children after they had been treated. They all became obese…not just some all of them! Being a genius/quack I began to wonder why this strange connection was occurring. The answer was…a disconnection was occurring. You see there is a nerve that supplies the tongue carrying refine taste to the brain. This nerve weaves its way across the tonsils and eardrum prior to entering the spinal column. Could this nerve be accidentally severed or damaged by the medical procedures currently being used to treat ear infections? The answer is yes When the nerve is severed refine taste is gone and anything without a taste is perceived to taste bad by the human brain…and what tastes are left, you guessed sweet, salt, umami(fatty). Water, oatmeal, and vegetables taste terrible to this damaged tongue. Things that taste terrible you will learn to avoid. We have unknowingly programmed this child to desire only sweet, salt, and fatty foods and detest fibrous, ultrahigh nutrient foods. Walhalla a two-ton toddler!

Later in this book, if you happen to be one of these poor souls I will show you how to regenerate these nerves and reset the brains taste buds. Set back and drop 100 pounds of excess lard without much effort.

We are half the men our grandfathers were Estrogenic environmental toxins have slashed both the sperm count and testosterone levels of the American male. A 25-year-old male in the year 2012 has half the sperm count as a 25-year-old male had in the year 1951. The infertility rate has skyrocketed in our young couples with a record number of children not being born. The U.S. fertility rate fell to another record low in 2012, with 63.0 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

I had just finished a section of our MBC seminar in which I address the toxic plastics found within our home environment. I brilliantly demonstrated the activation of dioxins through the application of heat. I masterfully explained the leeching effect of BPA and both osmotic and reverse osmotic infiltration of a child’s Sippy cup with known carcinogenic. I nailed it and now it was time for a much-needed break. As I collected all my props and began preparing for the next section of MBC I was approached by a very disgruntled seminar participant.

She was a young very well informed mother of 3 and what she said I will never forget. “Dr. Baader, I shouldn’t have to be a high biochemist just to be able to buy a sippy cup for my child that won’t give him cancer!” I pondered the statement and thought…you know SHE’s right! It is incredibly difficult to raise a healthy child in American today…and it is just getting worse and worse.

So Who pooped in our gene pool?

Girl, did we mess you up…

Did you know as physicians we used to recommend that a pregnant woman get an x-ray to make sure her baby was developing correctly? Yes, an x-ray full of gene fragmenting radiation.

Did you know that as physicians we used to recommend a morning sickness drug called (thalidomide)? Yes, thalidomide the same drug that caused tens of thousands of babies to be afflicted with devastating deformities.

Did you know as physicians we used to recommend that our patients drank alcohol during their pregnancy? Yes, that is the same alcohol now linked to interfering with baby brain and skull development.

Did you know as physicians we are still recommending that pregnant women received the flu vaccine? Yes, the same vaccine chocked full of known neurotoxins that can potentially pass through the placenta and into the babies developing the brain.

So form all our docs to all those we have messed up ….


Womb Wounds

Some of you were blessed to have an amazing mother who before your actual creation careful prepare her blood, brain, and body. She knew that you would be “cooking” inside of her and she wants the ingredients in her womb to be of the highest quality possible, perfectly balanced and in accordance with the original recipe. She worked hard to obtain and sustain this optimal hormonal environment for your perfect development…

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