How to Load and not Explode: Dumper’s Edition

Posted by Dr. Tom on 6th Apr 2023

How to Load and Not Explode

Dumper’s Edition

If you have been exceptionally” loose in the caboose” during your first phase of Metabolic Boot camp you maybe a Dumper. Make the following modifications to you Blade: Remove the ACV completely. Apple cider vinegar is actually a liquid fiber pectin which is fantastic for cleanse of the colon.( I can hear the accumulators cheering from here!) For the Dumper, oh it is a whole other story.

I’m a dumper. This metabolic type unfortunately has a genetic weakness built into the “membrane matrix” of their bodies. These membranes protect us from the internal and external environment, separate and sequester the different compartments of the body which are not supposed to mix and mingle.

The most obvious system affected by this genetic issue is the intestinal tract however, their blood brain barrier is often breeched, their respiratory mechanisms of their lungs and sinuses are commonly influenced, and unfortunately their vascular systems including their bone marrow are afflicted. Their renal systems are easily penetrated by external pathogens (UTIs are common in the Dumper) and their DNA stability is often breeched making them very prone to oxidative cancers.

Close your eyes for a moment and picture you in the very beginning of your physical creation . You alook like a piece of penne pasta floating in embryonic fluid . Imagine if you will a long piece of penne pasta before it is cut into smaller pieces. That’s you, or at least the beginning of your cellular foundation. It is called the neural tube and is made up of neural crest cells. You do not start as a brain as some of you left hemi-dominates may assume. The brain(s) comes in later.

Notice the plural not singular reference Now imagine at both ends of the penne pasta tiny little nubs pop out like small heads of broccoli one from each end of your penne pasta. Those are your brains. One migrates north which is the brain that we are so fondly attached to. One migrates south and becomes embedded in our intestinal tract. This second brain is the more important of the two in reference to creating and maintaining a balanced stable brain chemistry. You may of heard of a molecule caaled serotonin, “the feel good” neurotransmitter made popular by SSRI drugs and that has been villianized as the cause of depression syndrome. Well, 90% of your serotonin is made in your second brain down in your bowels.

Why am I harping on brain stuff with the dumpers. Here’s why. The health of our bowels dictates the health of our brains. Dumpers, when we become depleted and drain we are much more likely to spiral into bouts of deep dark depression. During your loading phase Dumpers you must avoid the following like it is the plague:

Antibiotic Anti-christ

Antibiotics are the antichrist for the Dumper. I cannot emphasize too much how devastating this type of drug is to the Dumper. Dumpers natural flora(healthy bacteria) are incredibly fragile and can be wiped out by even mild doses of antibiotics. During your loading phase please consider proactively applying the MBC Bloat blocker formula as the first thing you drink on the morning of your loading days. Place 2 TBSP of l-glutamine in 3 oz of Kefir and drink this quickly in the morning prior to any other food or beverage consumption. Do this only on loading days and when you have accidently trigger an inflammatory response:

I use the phrase if your bloating get ready for a fat coating: Here is the science behind my insanity. A study has found that disruption in gut bacteria have also been shown to impact weight in human babies. One study found babies with high numbers of bifidobacteria and low numbers of Staphylococcus aureus — which may cause low-grade inflammation in your body, contributing to obesity — appeared to be protected from excess weight gain. This may be one reason why breast-fed babies have a lower risk of obesity, as bifidobacteria flourish in the gut of breast-fed babies.

Probiotics also appear beneficial in helping women lose weight after childbirth when taken from the first trimester through breastfeeding. Two other studies found that obese individuals had about 20 percent more of a family of bacteria known as firmicutes, and almost 90 percent less of a bacteria called bacteroidetes than lean people. Firmicutes help your body to extract calories from complex sugars and deposit those calories in fat. When these microbes were transplanted into normal-weight mice, those mice started to gain twice as much fat. This is one explanation for how the microflora in your gut may affect your weight. Yet another study from 20107 showed that obese people were able to reduce their abdominal fat by nearly five percent, and their subcutaneous fat by over three percent, just by drinking a probiotic-rich fermented milk beverage for 12 weeks.

Given that the control group experienced no significant fat reductions at all during the study period, this is one more gold star for probiotics. Probiotics have also been found to benefit metabolic syndrome, which often goes hand-in-hand with obesity. This makes sense since both are caused by a diet high in sugars, which leads to insulin resistance, fuels the growth of unhealthy bacteria, and packs on excess weight. – See more at:

Hidden Sources of Antibiotics

Hiding in plain sight Chicken, Eggs, Meat, and Milk: only consume steroid and antibiotic free foods.

Tap out on Tilapia: You could not choose a worse fish to eat in MBC

Fish that are farm raised are notoriously full of antibiotics. “Heavy use of prophylactic antibiotics in aquaculture: a growing problem for human and animal health and for the environment.” They say in the article, “The use of a wide variety of antibiotics in large amounts, including non –biodegradable antibiotics useful in human medicine, ensures that they remain in the aquatic environment, exerting their selective pressure for long periods of time.” The antibiotics are used to control parasites in the fish since they are raised in confined spaces. They said, “The use of large amounts of antibiotics that have to be mixed with fish food also creates problems for industrial health and increases the opportunities for the presence of residual antibiotics in fish meant and fish products.” The most common farm-raised fish are: salmon, tilapia, sea bass, catfish, and cod.

If it is “8” it is full of Antibiotics????? Here is just another reason to avoid GMO foods .Vegetables that are either Roundup Ready or treated with pesticides are said to act as antibiotic strains as the pesticides kill good gut flora when the vegetables are eaten.

Honey is not so sweet for the Dumper A potentially harmful antibiotic has been found in six honey samples tested by the consumer rights watchdog.” The debate over the source of the antibiotics has not been settled. MBCers buy only local honey within 30 mile radius of where you live.

Dumpers must Never:

Consume heavy fiber meals: Popcorn, Ice burg lettuce, high fiber fruits and vegetables, salads, even strawberries can aggravate their intestinal tract.

Consume heavy red meats: Dumpers have very weak digestive enzymes even though the trend to ulcers this is because they have weak membranes not excessive strong acids. If a Dumper was to eat a heavy red meat meal they should always follow it up with a chaser of AVC. A Dumper should focus on chicken, fish etc.

Never Consume Sugar alcohols and minimize exposure to alcohol: Dumper tend to get extremely dehydrated which makes them very susceptible to cardiac arrthymias and sudden death syndromes. Alcohol is an aggressive dehydrator, and sugar alcohol can aggravate an already thin inflamed digestive tract leading to excessive diarrhea causing…severe dehydration.

If a Dumper drinks they should consider beer and wine over hard liquor and fruity drinks. With each beer the Dumper should drink a minimum of 16 oz of lemon water.

Never restrict salt intact

A Dumper should always

Supplement with K and Mg. Focus on consuming foods with high K, Mg, and Na levels like Sweet potatoes stuffed with butter and cinnamon.

Use daily probiotic enriched foods: 3oz of Kefir with 1 TSP of free form l-glutamine prior to each loading meal

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