Dr. Tom’s Pound-A-Day protocol: Transformational Food Cycling the MBC way

Posted by Dr. Tom on 6th Apr 2023

Do not use this menu plan until you have completed at least one week of MBC detox and 3 weeks of the MBC macronutrient protocols(Protein Processor, Lipo-Lover, Carb convertor, or Fiber Fanatic).

Never attempt this eating plan without your customized MBC formulas. Your goal is to lose 6 pounds of body weight in the next 3 days. Then you must put back on 3 pounds over the next 4 days for a net lost of 3 pounds. You can use this MBC food cycling protocol for a maximum of 6 weeks. After that ,metabolic attenuation will occur( your body will figure out what you are doing and you will stop having the weight loss).

If you do not reload your enzymatic engines you will end up crashing your thyroid glands…so don’t worry about gaining some of the weight back. Fuel for the next metabolic fire is need so don’t worry about that weight gain.If you are using your MBC formulas it will only be the weight of the fuel not additional body fat. Keep an eye on your early morning core temperature. If your core temperature drops below 97.5 discontinue the Pound-A-Day process.

You will be replacing the water in your customized Metabolic accelerator and the your Metabolic Blade with an unsweetened green tea. You can purchase pre-made unsweetened green tea from Kroger.

Metabolic Accelerator( your early morning drink)

20 oz green tea

1 scoop Am blend

1/2 teaspoon of ascorbic acid

Brain type upgrade ( see your Mega-Metabolic Boot Camp seminar notes)


Meal # 1

1/2 Avocado (can be replaced with 1/3 cup walnuts or almonds) with

3 slices bacon( can be replaced with turkey bacon)

You can replace this breakfast with a can of sardines soaked in olive oil (no crackers). The avocado/bacon just got a whole lot more appetizing didn’t it?

Metabolic Blade

60 oz. green tea

3 scoops Am blend

lemon juice tsp

ACV tsp

Meal # 2 10 am

1/3 cup almonds/walnuts/cashews

Meal 3 Lunch

1/2 cup cottage cheese 6 sliced strawberries or 10 blueberries

Meal 4

1/3 cup almonds/walnuts/cashews

Perform 20 minutes cardio keeping heart rate between 130 and 140 bpm prior to Dinner

Meal 5 Dinner

4 celery stalks stuffed with almond butter( not peanut butter)


4 celery stalks stuff with salmon spread.

2 scoops PM blend

1 tsp lemon juice

10 oz. green tea

Drink this with your dinner to ease your hunger pain.

Go to bed early if you can.

Repeat this cycle of eating for three days than switch to the eating pattern you enjoyed the most during MBC and eat this type of menu plan for the next 2 days. Over the weekend eat what every you want but follow the Load, but not Explode protocols. You can repeat this food cycling for a maximum of 6 weeks before you will run into a weight loss wall.

Go for it! ONLY PERFORM 20 MINUTES OF CARDIO BEFORE DINNER FOR THE FIRST THREE DAYS OF THIS PROGRAM. Discontinue using green tea in your MBC formulas after three days and replace it with water to prevent kidney stone formation.

Enjoy your painful transformation. Hey, if it was that easy everyone would be as beautiful as me. LOL

Dr. Tom

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