Posted by Dr. Tom on 6th Apr 2023

The average American male testosterone level is crashing like the 2008 stock exchange…you will never guess why

Warning: Very graphic discussion on Male anatomical function.Age restriction recommended.

This article is written from a creationist point of view and may be offense to those with differing views.

Ok ladies I know you are reading this. I could try to stop you with password protection then I realized you have sons, brothers, and husbands that need this information and without your influence they will be damaged without it. So welcome.

Guys, let be ugly honest, things are not getting better south of the I am not referring to Mexico’s issues with the cartel. Look at these ugly stats on male erectile dysfunction, infertility, crashing sperm and testosterone counts, rates of sexual disorientation and skyrocketing testicular and prostate disease.ED rates have gone up during the last two or three decades, especially among younger guys. According to a study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, one out of every four new ED patients is under 40 years old!

Over the past two generations sperm counts in many parts of the world have fallen by half, and a higher percent of sperm are deformed and unfunctional. Testicular cancer is on the rise, as are birth defects such as undescended testicles. Many kinds of animals are suffering from hormone derangements that produce — how could the media resist this one? — masculinized females and feminized males.

The Problem with Pornography

The male orgasm releases the same neuro-chemical in the brain as does smoking crack cocaine. The neurotransmitter I’m referring to is called dopamine and causes a pleasure cascade of neurochemicals and peptides throughout the brain and then into our bodies. This is a very pleasant and relaxing reflex… and unfortunately very addictive. This sexual center in the male brain is also the same brain center that controls our appetite. The need to eat is one of the most deep seated survive rule reflexes in the human brain. The fact that our sexual centers are embedded in our appetite centers is problematic to say the least. For if we lose the desire to eat… We will die. To place the desire for orgasm at the same intensity as the desire to eat is a very dangerous proposition. Both the appetite centers and the sexual centers of the male brain are easily provoked through ocular manipulation. Guys, just show us the feast and we will begin to salivate… Whether that be a perfectly seared steak fresh off the grill or a beautiful woman in a revealing bikini… We will literally begin to salivate on both occasions.

The porn industry is very aware of this ocular connection between the appetite and sexual centers and the visual centers of the male brain. We are played like puppets on a string. The problem with pornography is that it can lead to a pathological relationship with the visual imagery. We can be turned into Pavlovian dogs… Just the mere sight of cleavage can lead us into a ravenous desire to satisfy our appetites. Just like a morbidly obese man who can never get enough food to satisfy his appetite center we will delve deeper and deeper into the world of pornography beginning with simple viewings of women with low cut tops moving into women that are dressed in skimpy bikinis but eventually this will not be enough and will move deeper into topless models full nudity, and then it gets worse much worse. We begin to view things that we would never ever imagine viewing and with each viewing our brains desire more intensity more pleasure and more extreme imagery. The regions of our brain that control our sexual desires will actually begin to enlarge at the same rate that from the hormonal abuse our genitals begin to shrink.

Nothing but the most extreme provocative imagery will satisfy us… We will lose interest in our ordinary wives and our ordinary lives. We are becoming in traps in a dopamine driven nightmare.

The Mystery of the Masturbating Monkey…

Bad Back Bad Ball Sack: Take the High Ball test

Say it ain’t Soy!

Big breasties & little testes the fate of every red blood American male?

Soy Protein was used to emasculate Tibetain monks…and American Baby Boys

Gay gulls and Alligators will very very very small penises know the ugly truth about estrogenic toxicity.

Blood pressures medications leading cause of Dementia and Erectile Dysfunction in the male patient

The most common cause of male impotency is not nude pictures of the Golden Girls…it’s the use of blood pressure medication.

TRT will soon be linked to sudden death syndromes

Dr. Tom’s T Boosting Shake in a blender mix 3oz coconut milk 3 oz. almond milk ¼ cup unsalted almond butter and 2 tablespoons Kerry’s Irish Gold butter until smooth and frothy. Pour into a MBC certified cup (2,4,5, glass or stainless steel) and spoon mix in one scoop of the new GEN 10 PM blend and 3000 mg of d -Aspartic acid. Drink slowly from 8 pm to 8:17 pm.

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