Now What? Beyond Boot Camp

Posted by Dr. Tom on 6th Apr 2023

So NowWhat?

56 days has passed since you started MBC.

Congratulations! You made it through one cycle of MBC GEN II! Or maybe you didn’t…that’s even better for our motto at MBC is” Its’ about protection not perfection.”

So Now What?

Did you ever wonder why oncologist tell their cancer patients they are in the clear if they remain cancer free for five to seven years? It has to do with cell cycles, which are very similar to soil cycles.

I am a huge believer in cell cycles. That is why I use 56 days as the parameter for each cycle of MBC. So what’s the big deal about 56 days? It takes that long for your blood to completely recycle itself. Remember, your blood-brain-body complex is like a brick house that is continuously building and rebuilding itself. Your blood bricks take a total of 56 days to be completely changed out for a new fresh set.

If you are with me in a cancer consultation ( which none of you ever will be if you apply these next simple steps!) you will hear how I emphasis the battlefield of the blood and the importance of the blood in the victory over cancer. The phrase you will hear out of my mouth over and over again to the cancer patients is “ It is not the seed(the tumor tissue) but rather the soil(the blood-brain-body-complex) that decides the flavor of the fruit( life or death of the patient).”

So now that your have pumped your blood full the hyper-nutrients found in the AM and PM formula for a full cycle your blood has been optimized. I have personally witnessed this type of blood drop a cancer patients VOC(cancer number) score by over 180 points! I want you now to consider donating your optimized blood to a person who is not in MBC GEN II. At your next level living course we will be providing a VOC test at cost(19$) for all those who would like to know their “cancer numbers”. We use to do this before MBC but all you left hemi’s went nuts worrying about what your numbers meant.

So Now what do I do:

Ask yourself what did I learn about myself during this process?

Was I a left hemisphere dominate who was much more prone to developing dementia?

What did the metabolic Mirror reveal to me about my genetic and epigenetic errors? Am I sensitizes to estrogen making me much more prone to gonadal cancers(breast, prostate, testicular, ovarian)? What did you learn about yourself?

Have a blood profile drawn. Have a Lifeline screening done checking the status of your blockages, aneurysms, stroke and CV risk factors. You do not have to wait to lose a bunch of weight on MBC to have significant changes in your blood brain body complex. Get it check and brings more evidence this process works wonders.

Consider, dare I say it, another week of Detox…after the holidays!

Should I continue on the program until January Next Level Living Course?

Are you cancer free?

Are you at the weight you desire to be?

Are your blockages completely removed?

If you answer no to any of these questions consider beginning another cycle of MBC. Start with Detox, skip the rest and go right into your customized program.

Remember the Ups & Downs

SO now let me give you the ups and downs of cancer decay, disease and even death:

You want your nitrogen levels up. Strive for a BUN at or above 15.

You want you acid levels down. Strive for a cell pH of 6.8 to 7.2

You want your methylation up. Strive for a B12 level of above 1200

You want you glucose levels down. Strive for an early morning glucose of 72-82 mg/dl

You want your albumin levels up. Strive for an Albumin level of 4 plus

You want your VOC number down. Strive for a cancer number below 600

You want your Hemoglobin levels up. Strive for a Hemoglobin level above 14.o

You want your CRP(inflammation levels) down. Strive for a CRP of below .5

Join The Resistance

I have made an outrageous claim that those that are making simple mental and metabolic adjustments to their life patterns I teach in MBC are 1200% more resistance to the big disease( cancer, CVD, dementia etc.). No one has yet to prove me wrong. In fact more and more lab results keep pouring in supporting the claim. I want you to join me for Next Level Living on January 10.

What to expect at Next Level Living: Max Metabolism with minimal Effort: a Real life approach to optimize our family’s levels of health and wellbeing.

Until then I will be sending you weekly support on topics like: please insert here.

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